Handwritten in pencil--pages 4-7 (the rest is missing)
"...hence left George Cannon with six motherless children to brave the hardships of a strange land.
I trust that the descendants of George Cannon will not soon forget, that his wife who found a last resting place in the Atlantic Ocean, bore testimony, almost with her dying breath, to the truth of the Gospel as restored to the earth, through the instrumentality of the Prophet Jos. Smith and admonished her children to be true to its requirements.
On reaching St. Louis George Cannon rented rooms and remained all winter, in the spring he continued his journey to Nauvoo. He became acquainted with the Prophet and became more satisfied of his prophetic power.
On the 17th of August 1844 he died leaving six children. Several months previous to his death he married Mary Edwards who gave birth to a daughter six months after his death.
When the troubles began in Nauvoo, the youngest daughter accompanied her mother to St. Louis. George Q., and Ann went west with the family of Apostle John Taylor. Angus M., David H., and Leonora went to live with Elder Charles Lambert who had married Mary Alice since the death of our father.
Being very poor, when the leaders of the Church left Nauvoo they were obliged to remain there until after the fight and surrender of the City to the mob.
After encountering the troubles incident to an expulsion from their home we reached the Missouri River to find that the flour which had been sent ahead by Brother Lambert, had been appropriated by other persons, which circumstances prevented this part of the family from going west with the Pioneers.
In the spring of 1846 the Indians killed all the cattle we had excepting one cow. This forced us to go down into Missouri to get another outfit. While in Missouri two of the Cannon boys, who are here today, were sent into the country to get a cow. So much having been said about the atrocities of the Missourians committed on our people, that these boys, expecting to be killed, by the man with whom they were to stay all night talked the matter over seriously before going to bed and bid each other good bye." The next morning, however, we found a good breakfast prepared for us, the sun was shining as brightly as ever and in lieu of their dreadful surmisings happening, their host manifested the greatest kindness toward them.
During all the wanderings...."
(This is the end of what I have.)
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