David H. Cannon

Let me know if you have a history or story to add to this list or  
if there is something on another website we could add to our links.  -CBA
A History of the Cannon Family History given by David H. Cannon at a Daughters of Utah
Pioneers meeting in 1922 just two years before his death.
This was formerly found on my AOL site.
David H. Cannon Summary Text version of the Index page of this website 
Daily Journal
July3, 1897 to Sept 4, 1897
Tells of David H.'s journey to Salt Lake City for the surgery
of his nine-year-old son, Walter. This was also during the 
50th anniversary of the Pioneers' arrival in the Valley.
Journal - January 1898 David H. journal entries from 1 January 1898 to 3 February 1898
Partial History #1 The first eight pages of a history written by David H.
Partial History #2 Pages 4-7 of another history written by David H.
Our Other Mothers Article written by David's daughter Eva about polygamy
Testimony Quote A testimony quote from the October 1912 Conference Report
David H. Story -Toshob One of several stories retold by Josephine C. Jones
Glass for the Tabernacle This story is offsite on the St. George Temple Visitor's Center site.

hosted by Cindy Alldredge